Eco-friendly Scrap Car Towing ~ Recycling Scrap Metal

Local scrap car service providers in your area are pleased to tow your scrap car away to the scrap yard. If you want to keep your plates..go ahead they are yours! Some of these questions you may be helpful when you get ready to scrap your vehicle..
(1) I lost my keys?
This is not a problem. All we need is your permission to move the car. Experienced ‘scrap’ tow truck drivers have lots of knowledge in this area.

(2) Does my vehicle have to be complete?
No. Missing mirrors and such is not a concern. We do request tires be on the car for easy towing. Flat tires are OK. We only need to pump them up for the short haul. The tires will last until we get to the scrap yard..

YES.. I’m licensed For “SCRAP CAR” Towing. On My Way!

(3) Do you collect cars on the weekends?
Yes, we understand that you might be working during the day in the week. We pickup scrap cars late in the evenings during the week and on Saturday morning.
(4) Do you scrap larger vehicles?
Yes, at Paul’s Scrap yard they take vans, small trucks, SUV’s and econo trucks.
(5) Why should I choose you?
We offer a friendly and above all free service and guarantee no nasty surprises. We are on time and collect the vehicle when it is booked. In fact we take calls every day from the public. Some calls are from places where the scrap car driver never arrived.. We are listed number one on Google, which speaks for itself. Other companies have come and gone over night. We are still here. Sounds a bit like the marines. We run a tight ship and always place the customer first.
(6) I want to keep my license plate?
You can take your plates off yourself. Our drivers have tools to remove your plates. We always take them off and give them back to you. They are registered with you. For security reasons, it is a good idea for you to hang on to them or bring them to the Drivers Renewal location, next time you are there. Some people add them to their playroom as art. I still have my mothers plates from her Florida car. No one can use them here.
(7) Do I have to be present on collection?
No, we can make arrangements for you to leave the keys and documents somewhere. We appreciate that sometimes your vehicle may not be in the same location as you.
I hope this information was helpful to you!  
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

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– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.

We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

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