Eco-friendly Scrap Car Towing ~ Recycling Scrap Metal

Local scrap car service providers in your area are pleased to tow your scrap car away to the scrap yard. If you want to keep your plates..go ahead they are yours! Some of these questions you may be helpful when you get ready to scrap your vehicle..
(1) I lost my keys?
This is not a problem. All we need is your permission to move the car. Experienced ‘scrap’ tow truck drivers have lots of knowledge in this area.

(2) Does my vehicle have to be complete?
No. Missing mirrors and such is not a concern. We do request tires be on the car for easy towing. Flat tires are OK. We only need to pump them up for the short haul. The tires will last until we get to the scrap yard..

YES.. I’m licensed For “SCRAP CAR” Towing. On My Way!

(3) Do you collect cars on the weekends?
Yes, we understand that you might be working during the day in the week. We pickup scrap cars late in the evenings during the week and on Saturday morning.
(4) Do you scrap larger vehicles?
Yes, at Paul’s Scrap yard they take vans, small trucks, SUV’s and econo trucks.
(5) Why should I choose you?
We offer a friendly and above all free service and guarantee no nasty surprises. We are on time and collect the vehicle when it is booked. In fact we take calls every day from the public. Some calls are from places where the scrap car driver never arrived.. We are listed number one on Google, which speaks for itself. Other companies have come and gone over night. We are still here. Sounds a bit like the marines. We run a tight ship and always place the customer first.
(6) I want to keep my license plate?
You can take your plates off yourself. Our drivers have tools to remove your plates. We always take them off and give them back to you. They are registered with you. For security reasons, it is a good idea for you to hang on to them or bring them to the Drivers Renewal location, next time you are there. Some people add them to their playroom as art. I still have my mothers plates from her Florida car. No one can use them here.
(7) Do I have to be present on collection?
No, we can make arrangements for you to leave the keys and documents somewhere. We appreciate that sometimes your vehicle may not be in the same location as you.
I hope this information was helpful to you!  
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.

We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

TOP 10 DE-CLUTTER TIPS ONE HOUR AT A TIMEWhere does the time go? Talking about time. There is no time like the present to get rid of all that junk around your house. Embrace these golden rules. Your “personal”  TOP 10 TIPS.  Make it anything you want…but, make it! Decide on a pact with yourself. For instance …”I am going to do five things on this list over the weekend.” That is a promise to me. It’s Monday morning. I can do one task a day. -At least one. That brings me to Friday. Five down and five to go.. Nice! Enjoy the good readers!

1. Choose Your FOCUS:– Focus on one room at a time
2. PAINT:- Paint a room, paint the outside house trim. paint a chair (more than one hour..big job) wiggle it in somehow.
3. One Hour, One Room:-Maybe not..try it and see how long it takes. Just for fun. Time yourself.  list each room. Each time you make a check. BIG satisfaction.
4. Entryway:- This is very important especially for the Feng Shui devotees. Corral stray shoes, bags, umbrellas. You know what I’m talking about.
5. Coat Closet:- From coats to boots..toss toss toss….Have a jacket in the closet for 3 years and not wearing it? That;s the one.

(BAKED) SHREDDED SWEET POTATO/EGG  Prep Time 5 min. Cook Time 20 min.

6. Mealtime:- Start pre-planning meals. Look at the food store flyers. Pick your favorite healthy foods. Leave one day for fish and chips or pizza. (or a slice of that chocolate cake!) One hour for prep time (or less). Find those 20 minute meals. And make sure they are healthy.  The Internet is full of ideas. Type in 20 minute meals and see what you find. Type in your favorite food. Say..”What meal can I make with pineapple in 20-30 minutes?
7. Bathrooms:- Keep it calm, not cluttered. -visit weekly (one hour) and make your bathroom into an exotic spa; have fun with it. Get ideas online.
8. Car:- Ride happier when you tidy your car’s interior. Put coarse salt on the floor of the back seat. Absorbs smells (cheap and works) vacuum out every 1-2 months.
9. Exercise:– one hour or 1/2 hr a day.  You decide. Break it up to two half hour segments or  3 -10 minute stints works well. Then, check it off your list BABY!!!

10. Here’s the Final TIP — Scrap your retired ride in one hour. Yes, in one hour you can get Paul’s Scrap Car  Towing to visit your domicile and tow away your troubles. Only the car..sorry – it’s a beginning!

Ever Ready Bunny Gets The Job Done

FIRST: Have 25 garbage bags ready! WORKS WELL for your one hour de-cluttering plans

SECOND:  You must write down your personal de-clutter list. Without the “list” it’s not fun. A list gives you a great deal of satisfaction when you check off each COMPLETED task .
PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.

We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

Now Granny needs to get off her rocker and try out this new rocking chair today

With modern know how -even the rocker is energy efficient. An energy saving rocking chair. What an invention. How it works: as you start rocking, the lamp will turn on! What a brilliant idea! If you were reading, no stopping. You have to keep rocking. A real workout–don’t you think. I wonder what speed you have to maintain to keep the light on. You will have to find out yourself…I’m exhausted already.

MY KITCHEN ROCKING CHAIR We had a rocking chair in our big kitchen. At 11 years old, it was big kitchen.  In the morning, friends would plop themselves on the rocking chair and wait for us to walk to school together. I think they came by just to sit in this giant rocking chair. My mom got the rocker from a garage sale and painted it herself. She may have got the paint from a garage sale too. -Just kidding! A great rocking chair. Every kitchen should have one.

Sometimes I would sit there waiting for mom to go somewhere, or sit in the rocking chair just for fun. It always brings a smile to my face just thinking about that old ‘kitchen’ rocker.

Recycled Tires For A Rocking Chair

Looks A Little Shaky As A Rocking Chair -This one needs brakes

Another energy saving idea is to get Paul to pick up your old car, van or light truck. Get yourself a brand new “energy saving” car. There are a lot of makes and models.
Is Your Vehicle READY?
When you are ready to have your vehicle recycled, call me, Paul at 416.822.3253. Drop me a line: My website is
Paul’s Scrap yard : Mississauga,Toronto, Brampton, Etobicoke, Port Credit, Oakville and surrounding areas.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-1730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.

We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

A Few Dollars More

SCRAP CARS are vehicles that have reached the end of their life. They may have been in an accident and are too badly damaged to drive on the road any longer. Owners of a car, van or small truck, often look to have their car scrapped. The tow truck driver will give you a few dollars for your trouble. The driver makes enough money to stay on the road for another day to rid the city of burned out vehicles. Truck insurance, repairs and fuel really burns a hole in the scrap man’s pocket.  When it comes to scrapping your vehicle do you know the true value of that scrap car?

A good starting point for any assessment would be to look at your current location. How many scrap yards are in the area? Call around,  This is important as you will want to get quotes from several different scrap yards. If the scrap man has been around for a long time, then you can trust him  “FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE!”

Scrap Car Removal- Get A “FEW DOLLARS” More For Your Old Car

We Do Not Sell Parts

NO PARTS  SCRAP Cars are not typically sold  FOR PARTS like in the old days. It does not matter if the engine turns over. Some callers think it is a bonus for the engine to road when the ignition is fired up. They think the scrap man is going to resell the vehicle for them and they are asking a resale price. This is not what the scrap guy does. The gov’t stamps the ownership with a scrap car stamp do it will never be sold again. At Paul’s scrap, we write it in ink on the ownership them the stamp still come for the plant.  Especially if you are scraping the car, You would not do it if the car was at all reliable.
Besides parts get old and worn -no matter what it is.
Make sure your scrap yard offering a fair price? Some dealers do try and pull the wool over your eyes. They arrive and see that you are missing something or your tires are flat,  and you never told the driver in the first place. These can be remedied. You should still get a fair price for the weight of your vehicle. Everything comes down to weight in tons. If all the seats and doors are missing, its a different story. This may become a dangerous tow – depending on the vehicle.
I have heard that some customers  say that you take the wholesale value of the car and divide by 2.  This is purely academic to say the least. You can consult a blue book or contact your insurance company. Of course different insurance companies will provide different figures, It is always a RESALE PRICE for a running car in good condition.  NOT THE PRICE TO SCRAP YOUR CAR.

The true answer is that Scrap merchants use the current value of scrap from their scrap buyers at the various smelting plants. The calculations and quotes will fluctuate according to the demand for scrap metal. Some people will say if the car is damaged it is a huge factor is the scrap car price. The damage to the vehicle is also not a factor in the value of the scrap vehicle. If you want to resell your vehicle then do not call a vehicle scrapping company. Sell it on Kijiji, Craig’s List or any other venue.

YOUR CAR AT THE SCRAP YARD: Calls that come in to the scrap yard may be asking more money than the wreckers will get for the raw scrap metal usually know that they have an “as is” vehicle. They are trying to high ball you. So many things are wrong with their car that it simply is not drive any longer. This embarks on another sour point.

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR: Careful when you buy a used car. In many cases you are buying a whole whack of trouble. I’ve heard too many horror stores. The other side of the coin is that a few scrap yards promise lots of money for your scrap car and then when they arrive, they start to haggle you down in price. You become so frustrated that you let them have the car at a lower price, just because you are worn out and simply want to make it all go away. Avoid the so called “fraudsters” The last piece of advice I have for you is –get rid of your vehicle at a reputable scrap dealer and accept fair market price.
PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.

We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

EnvironMETAL Cleanup


"Four Sisters" Coal-fired power plants 2006

“Four Sisters” Coal-fired power plants 2006 (Lakeview, Ontario)

Pollution will remain a ongoing affair for our global village.

Remember the Thunder Bay Generating Station when they burnt off their last supply of coal in 2014. The electricity of Canada’s most populous province is officially coal free. (April, 2014) from

Question: What are we using now?
Answer: A combination of nuclear, biomass, natural gas, waterpower, wind and solar power have made up for the power coal once produced. The next step is to phase out nuclear power.
If you did not know what biomass is all about, let me tell you about it. This diagram from Renewable Energies shows how it works. I find diagrams explain things quickly and easily. To read more about the last biomass conference click biomass. On top of that, the Canadian government had stepped in with the carbon tax. It is another method our government is using to clean up pollution in Ontario. Ontario is probably the province that generates a lot of carbon into our land and our atmosphere. We have become a society that is using up our natural resources without thinking too much into the future. Finally, we have stopped talking about it and started doing something about how we are running out of fossil fuel and sending toxins in the air and into our lungs. Now, we are making changes slowly but surely. Ontario is our richest province in Canada with mega skyscrapers in Toronto with buildings that have gold leaf in the windows. Celebrity builders:  Trump International Hotel is now the St. Regis Toronto. Buildings remain -only the names change. Tower Toronto®. We also need to look after the soil, air, plants and animals, especially the bees. Otherwise none of this “progress” is worthwhile.


In 2019, about half of our electricity comes from nuclear power. The remainder comes from a mix of hydroelectric, coal, natural gas and wind. Most of Ontario’s electricity generating stations are located in the southern half of the province close to where the demand for power is greatest.

This chart provided by shows Ontario’s current installed energy capacity by fuel type on Ontario’s transmission system, as reported in the most recent Reliability Outlook, released June 2019.

Current installed capacity – distribution system

This chart shows the amount of energy by fuel type that is in commercial operation on Ontario’s distribution systems, as of March 2019. This is also referred to as current installed embedded generation.

Looks like solar power is becoming stronger as an energy source. Looking good! I must puff up my chest in saying that 97% of all cars are reused for new prodution for new cars, buildings, roads and welcome mats (used tires). Give the scrap man a standing ovation ! Whooo! Whooo!

Global village

Global Village

PAUL’S Scrap Car-Removal and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992. Call us now at (416) 419-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs.
Send a Text. My website is in Ontario, Canada.
How to prolong the life of your vehicle?
**secrets only mechanics know** – find out from Paul, Scrap Car removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.
Thank you!
We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap car removal in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown

DRILL, WRENCH, COG: When you have a bunch of old wrenches or any kind of tools — make a lamp! The only thing stopping you is your imagination. I wish I had seen these lamps before. I would have made dad’s old drill into a lamp..would have been real nice!

“TURN UP” The Lights!

Here is the new meaning for a Bicycle Lamp! See if you can find a real rickety old bike. The older, the better. Just like me!!!

I Love To Ride My Bicycle – The Bell Really Works

Remember Glen Campbell singing–The Wicheta Lineman. This is who he was talking about.

Wicheta Lineman

STEAM-PUNK Scrap Metal Lamp
Something old meets something new. Old scrap metal is upcycled into a new lamp. If you are looking for a conversation piece, this would be a good one. Cute and clever idea for a lamp!

STEAM PUNK Lamp For 2019

There are so many more lamps made from plumber’s pipes, old colanders and copper teapots. You can really create a lamp from just about anything.

Professor PAUL

PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 822-3253 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.


We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

Scrap Car Dollars $$$

WHAT ARE SCRAP CAR PRICES? All scrap car drivers follow the price of scrap metal. They follow the local market prices in order to provide a small stipend to the customer and keep their trucks on the road.  Their compensation depends on how much the driver gets for his scrap metal. One eye is always on the global market,  to see what direction scrap metal prices will be going n the next few months.

Scrap Metal is shipped in Open or Closed Barges Like This One.

The “BIG” picture.  Scrap metal prices are constantly changing. Countries such as Turkey and India will buy scrap metal by shiploads. The price per ton is negotiated. between the buyers and sellers of the two countries. Ships carry these containers to their ports of call. From there you can guess the rest. Right now China’s pricing is very attractive. They have ferociously embraced the scrap metal business. One reason for that is their production costs are low and government is behind them 100% providing large loans to develop scrap metal processing plants. When prices are low, countries may still buy and store scrap metals for future use. No clear cut answer to scrap prices.

Loading Scrap Metal Into Shipping Containers

THE GAME OF TRADE WAR “CHICKEN” heats up — but Chinese exports continue to rise.
Last year, China slaps retaliatory tariffs on $16 billion of U.S. goods. Back at you Trump! In his tweets Trump declares that we (the U.S.) will win no matter which way the trade decisions are made. High Tariffs imposed by the U.S. has their government subsidizing farmers. Due to the result of high tariffs, 12 billion dollars was allocated to the farmers – calling it a depression-like relief. All industries are feeling the backlash. And, it’s not getting any better. High tariffs on metal from Mexico has caused a U.S. nail factory to lay off 50% of their staff.


I would like to introduce to you Paul, the Scrap Man. His  Mississauga scrap yard is always bustling with cars coming in and going to the shredder.

Professor PAUL

PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 822-3253 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.


We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

Rust Never Sleeps

When rust invades your vehicle, it’s time to call the scrap man. The first recycle plant was built in 1950, and, it looks like this car ran off the assembly line the same year. After we pick up your ‘rusty’ car, it is crushed. The metals are separated from the rest of the car using high heated arc furnaces. After the steel is melted and molded into metal bars, sheets and cubes, they are ready to be used again. Further processing happens. Maybe,  made into  a new car!

Retired Rusty

scrap-car-removal_recycleFULL CIRCLE
Did you know that 25-30% of the steel in new cars has “up-cycled” metal.  The old tires (crumb) are worked into new roads. These ‘rubber’ filled roads last longer than the “pure” asphalt paved roads and highways. Even batteries are recycled.  Old batteries become part of the making of new batteries.  Did you know that old battery cases are made into bowling balls?

Rusty was pulled out of a field in Washington. Despite outside appearances, the car has been restored extensively. The interior has a new seats and the engine is new. Mechanically, a sound car. This wooden roof rack and original V.W.  ski rack were found at a flea market. Rusty has a rusty crown to top off his ‘look’. Tim has driven RUSTY  up to the mountain to go skiing. Take a look.



I wish I knew their stories

What’s it all about. Down to pricing. The memories you have with your old car are priceless. The car itself is a haunting shell of bent steel, nuts and bolts. The consumer needs to know that prices are always changing for ‘retired’ rides. The mistake the consumer makes is that they think the price is fixed for a scrap car. One month they may get a quote of $200 for their vehicle then a week later it is $175 and wonder why? Grab it while you can. Don’t wait – -you may loose the game.

EXPERTS: For the best service and reliable people, get someone that is the expert in their field at all times.

Professor PAUL

PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 822-3253 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.


We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

Some content on this page was disabled on November 28, 2019 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from Wayne G Stadler. You can learn more about the DMCA here:

Sounds like a game show. Number one on my list is Paul at Paul’s Scrap Car Towing in Mississauga. I trust Paul to stand by his word. Paul started out as a mechanic and found an old garage with layers of dust. He polished it up and the cars started rolling in. Some cars that were not repairable went to the scrap yard.

Paul does have a CLUE as to what is going on in the scrap metal industry–in fact– you will see
PROFESSOR PAUL in the driveway with a TOW TRUCK!

Mystery solved: The ‘DEAD” car will be towed away by Professor Paul!

Professor Paul’s  “FREE 💖SCRAP CAR 💖 TOWING”  To The Rescue!

When it comes to scrapping cars, vans or trucks, you need a reliable person that give you good service. You want it easy and stress free.  As a courtesy to his customers, Paul would fire up his tow truck and scrap the customer’s cars.

Who Do You Trust?

He started accumulating old clunkers and made weekly trips to the crusher. As the years went by he wanted to get rid of the headaches of running his own garage and started to scrap cars for the entire community in Mississauga.   Demand for scrapping cars started to grow as the community grew. Paul expanded to cover Brampton, Oakville  and Etobicoke.  Standing by his slogan “We arrive in one hour“, Paul found his calling. Dr. Paul will be the first PHD honorary recipient in Scrap Car know how; an expert in scrapping CARS, VANS AND Light Trucks –Professor Paul to the rescue!

1) Ask questions.
2) Vetting: Find out how long they have been in business.
3) Reliable: They should own their own scrap yard.
4) Solid Service: The fellas that have been around a long time are the ones you want- give them your business.
5) Go local. Use the small scrap car guy that wants your business and respect. Large scrap companies broker out the scrap car towing jobs without caring about the customer -only booking the job.

EXPERTS: For the best service and reliable people, get someone that is the expert in their field at all times.

Professor PAUL

PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 822-3253 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.


We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.

Scrap Cars Mississauga

RENEWABLES:  Scrap Metal ~ July 2019

It is now mid July, 2019. There does not seem to be any relief for the heat and also the heat in China’s iron ore production. According to Reuters, record high prices in iron ore in China has changed the market. Also, steel prices in India have been down for some time.

Iron ore futures on the DCE have doubled since the beginning of 2019. published by

Since May,2019 steel prices have dropped about 15%. Steel makers have slowed down their inventory storage fearing prices will drop even further.  Supply and Demand Forecast Graph below ……. provided by shows that the future looks promising. Today’s low prices seem to be a small hiccup. At the end of the 2nd quarter in 2020 begins the rise in scrap prices. This may occur even sooner.  Predictions are not written in stone.

Scrap Metal Prices July 2019

Scrap Metal Predictions – 2020 2nd Quarter


Port Hedland, Australia ~ shipping iron ore to China

FILE PHOTO: Workers check on seamless steel pipes at a factory of a steel products manufacturer in Cangzhou, Hebei province, China December 16, 2018. REUTERS/Stringer/File Photo

Understanding how the industry works helps us when we try to gauge the future of scrap metal and local scrap car pricing. Demand isn’t always about the number of cars or bridges being built. If the U.S. and Canada does not produce enough steel, it means we have to import “scrap metal” to meet the demand.
Prices are volatile now because tariff rates are changing, primarily due to the U.S. tariffs.  If we continue to eliminate tariffs on Canadian and Mexican steel (old NAFTA agreement) and reduce tariffs on steel from Turkey, the prices become more volatile. There are never fixed tariffs on imports. These tariffs change all the time, especially due to today’s political climate. Negotiations between countries go on all the time. Since China is feeling a tightening lid on their sky rocketing iron prices. This may be good news. China may no longer have dominance in the steel industry. Based on these changes will help stabilize and improve local scrap metal prices in Canada and the U.S. I’m sure it will change in other countries such as Australia and the U.K..
The customer will buy scrap metal when they need it. Or, customers buy if the prices are low and they start to stockpile metal, hoping that buyers are on their way. Turkey, usually a big purchaser of American scrap, Lately, Turkey has not been buying, partly in retaliation over U.S. trade actions. In turn  the U.S. is not buying cheaper Canadian scrap metal as their own inventories are over flowing. It is like a domino effect.  There is always a chance that prices could go up or fall tomorrow.
The worst case scenerio is when the customer (or buyer) might have to sell at a loss the following month. No one wants to be holding high-price inventory when prices plummet because of trade negotiations.

Since Trump announced the tariffs 16 months ago, U.S. Steel has lost almost 70 percent of its market value, or $5.5bn, and idled two American furnaces in mid-June that couldn’t be run profitably at the lowest prices since 2016. Meanwhile, Nucor, down around 20 percent, has touted $2.5bn in expansion projects. published by .

By closing blast furnaces has a sliver lining. Large companies will install electric arc furnaces that are less expensive to run and include recycling old steel.

Electric Arc Furnace

PAUL’S SCRAP CAR REMOVAL and Disposal has been providing quality service since 1992 in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario.
Call us or send a text to me. —
Paul at (416) 418-0730 to solve any of your scrap car disposal needs. My website is in Ontario, Canada.

Did you know…how to prolong the life of your vehicle for at least 5 years longer?

. . .


– Find out from Paul [ just ask me ], I’m here every day except Sundays.

Scrap Car Removal in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville.


We appreciate your business very much!

Scrap Car Service in one hour, located in Mississauga, Brampton, Bramalea, Oakville, Etobicoke. Milton, Malton, Streetsville, Rexdale, Port Credit, North York, Vaughan, Maple, Orangeville, Erin Mills and Georgetown.